Start an apartment application
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Start an apartment application

You are about to apply for the apartment below. Fill in the necessary information. The application will be valid for 3 months.

Note! Fraud attempts have occurred in Retta's name, e.g. on social media platforms where customer information or money has been requested. Retta never asks customers for a reservation fee, deposit or reservation fees for apartments in cash, or for the customer's online banking credentials.

Start date of rental agreement

Select your preferred start date

March 2025


Apartment viewing

I want to view the apartment before moving in:

Parking space

Do you need a parking space for your car?

Apartment you are applying for

Rent onlineBecoming available 01.04.25
Kiannonkatu 16 A 109

Espoo, Leppävaara

Kiannonkatu 16 A 109

64.5 m²1460 €/kk

3h, kt, sauna

Puustellinhuipussa järjestetään yleisnäyttö joka viikon keskiviikko klo 15:30-16:00. Esittelyssä 3. ja 11. kerrosten esittelyasunnot. Tervetuloa tutustumaan!